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- - ThE DaRK SiDE oF MUSiC '95 -
- Info File, dated: 22.10.1995
- ■ Contents ■
- --───-───---
- I ∙ Members
- II ∙ Official Releases
- III ∙ D.S.O.M. History
- IV ∙ How Do Contact D.S.O.M.
- V ∙ Distributing Sites
- VI ∙ Copyright Note
- VII ∙ Greetinx
- ■ I ∙ Members ■
- ---────--────---
- ═══════════════╪══════════════════════╪════════╪══════════════════════════
- │ │ │
- Kloobürste │ Ingo Neumann │ 1976 │ MiND SUPPoRT ??? ;-)
- │ │ │
- TARAbAS │ Sven Hessenmüller │ 1979 │ MUSiCiAN, ASCII/ANSI GFX
- │ │ │
- TYRoN │ Andreas Schäftlein │ 1978 │ MUSiCiAN, GFX, Coder
- │ │ │
- ■ II ∙ Official Releases ■
- ---──────--──────--──────--
- 13.03.1995 UNRULY PaRT I MOD Collection by TARAbAS
- 22.04.1995 CiVil WAR (ShORT EDiT) Song by TARAbAS
- 07.06.1995 G-O-N-E ¥ LiKE iT NEVER WaS Song by TARAbAS
- 22.06.1995 Alles halb so schlimm... Song by TARAbAS
- 17.07.1995 ThE NeW GeNERaTioN Song by TYRoN
- 04.08.1995 DiE WELT iST UNGERECHT... Song by TARAbAS
- 14.08.1995 -■ CoNFuSioN ■- Song by TYRoN
- 01.09.1995 SHoRT HAcKED ViRTUAL LSD-TRiP! Song by TARAbAS
- 11.09.1995 ZeRo Song by TYRoN
- 23.09.1995 T¡MεWÆSTε VεRS¡oN 1.o2 Prog by TARAbAS
- 24.09.1995 iGNORELAND Song by TARAbAS
- 09.10.1995 NO RiTUALS [ShORT VERSiON] Song by TYRoN
- 10.10.1995 KiLL MY MoNDAY - X■PERiMENT Song by TARAbAS
- 11.10.1995 Σbφlα is still waiting... Song by TARAbAS
- 12.10.1995 Ehrfahrung:Schmerz Song by TARAbAS
- 17.10.1995 MORPHiC RεSONÆNCε Song by TYRoN
- 19.10.1995 KiLL MY MoNDAY - DEPRESSiVE CT Song by TARAbAS
- 22.10.1995 Hard, Senseless & Cruel Song by TARAbAS
- 22.10.1995 ...THε FUTURε... Song by TYRoN
- 27.10.1995 R·Æ·i·N·B·o·W Song by TYRoN
- ■ III ∙ D.S.O.M. History ■
- ---──────--──────--──────--
- -> Mar, 1995 ■ D.S.O.M. was founded by Kloobürste and TARAbAS
- Mar, 1995 ■ First Music-Collection "Unruly I" by TARAbAS
- Apr, 1995 ■ Single Release by TARAbAS : CiViL WAR (ShORT EDiT)
- Jun, 1995 ■ Single Release by TARAbAS : G-O-N-E ¥ LiKE iT NEVER WaS
- Jun, 1995 ■ Single Release by TARAbAS : Alles halb so schlimm...
- -> Jul, 1995 ■ TARAbAS got a coooooool X-TRACKER! (not used at the moment)
- -> Jul, 1995 ■ TYRoN joined D.S.O.M.
- Jul, 1995 ■ Single Release by TYRoN : ThE NeW GeNERaTioN
- Aug, 1995 ■ Single Release by TARAbAS : DiE WELT iST UNGERECHT..."
- -> Aug, 1995 ■ Kloobürste "emigrated" to BELGiUM!
- Aug, 1995 ■ Single Release by TYRoN : -■ CoNFuSioN ■-
- Sep, 1995 ■ Single Release by TARAbAS : SHoRT HAcKED ViRTUAL LSD-TRIP!
- """, """" ■ this was my first DMF - the worst production by me?;)
- Sep, 1995 ■ Single Release by TYRoN : ZeRo
- -> Sep, 1995 ■ Program Release by TARAbAS : TiMEWASTE VERSioN 1.o2
- """, """" ■ mmh, nearly the first program by a musiclabel, eh?;))
- Sep, 1995 ■ Single Release by TARAbAS : iGNORELAND
- Oct, 1995 ■ Single Release by TYRoN : NO RiTUALS [ShORT VERSiON]
- Oct, 1995 ■ Single Release by TARAbAS : KiLL MY MoNDAY - X■PERiMENT
- Oct, 1995 ■ Single Release by TARAbAS : Σbφlα is still waiting...
- Oct, 1995 ■ Single Release by TARAbAS : Ehrfahrung:Schmerz
- Oct, 1995 ■ Single Release by TYRoN : MORPHiC RεSONÆNCε
- Oct, 1995 ■ Single Release by TARAbAS : KMM - depressive cut
- Oct, 1995 ■ Single Release by TARAbAS : Hard, Senseless & Cruel
- Oct, 1995 ■ Single Release by TYRoN : ...THε FUTURε...
- Oct, 1995 ■ Single Release by TYRoN : R·Æ·i·N·B·o·W
- ■ IV ∙ How Do Contact D.S.O.M. ■
- ---──────--──────---───────--──--
- mail ∙ ■ TARAbAS ■ TYRoN
- c/o Sven Hessenmüller c/o Andreas Schäftlein
- Moskauer Str. 16 Moskauer Str. 130
- 99427 Weimar 99427 Weimar
- ■ Kloobürste is "emigrated" to BELGIUM!
- That means he works there as "au pair" (job for girls, eh?)
- for circa one year and is a passive member for this time.
- Hope he's bringing us new ideas (and CD Stuff ;-) when he
- comes back... (Hey KB! schau 'ma bei Johan Van Roy vorbei ;-)
- ■ V ∙ Distributing Sites ■
- --──────--──────---──────--
- ┌─--──--──--──╖
- │─────────────╢
- │─────────────╨─--─---─────--──────--────────────-───────--─-────---──┐
- │ TEK WAR +49-03643-514062 19.2k bps P. Radestock |
- │───────────────--─---─────--──────--────────────-───────--─-────---──┤
- │ ATOMIC BBS +49-03644-618360 28.8k bps Bitbreaker |
- └──--──────--───────---──────────---───────--─────-─────-─────--──────┘
- You are interested in distributing our releases on your BBS?
- Well, a cool idea we think ;) - please fill out the "DISTSITE.APP" File,
- rename it to "your_bbs.app" and throw this little piece of text to one
- of our Dist-Sites our better personally to me or TARAbAS!...:)
- ■ VI ∙ Copyright Note ■
- ---──────--──────-────--
- This is an official - DaRk SiDE oF MuSiC - release. The one and only
- label for monotone, unmelodical & boring non-commercial tunes on PC.
- Any commercial distribution of our productions is strictly prohibited!
- That means you can give our releases to your friends (or to the persons
- you most dislike, if you think they are getting sick by hearing our very
- simple sound ;) and distribute it in any way as long as no money is
- involved. Commercial distribution on audio/data CD, tape, DAT and so known
- "SW" disks is absolutely forbidden!
- We remind you, contact D.S.O.M. (see "How Do Contact D.S.O.M.";-) if you
- interested in distributing our releases.
- ■ VII ∙ Greetings ■
- --───────--───────--
- ∙ Greetings are flying to ∙ (jumbled)
- ■ Anke ■ Buntes Herz ■ Case ■ EcKO ■ Moonripper ■ Quarktasche ■ Ratte ■
- ■ FLATLiNE/D.I. ■ Gorbie Airlines ■ OVERKiLL ■ Malte ■ Screaming Fist ■
- ■ CAbAL ■ the Smash Brothers ■ SUiCiDER ■ DaT UrMEL ■ JuMPMaN ■ Riker ■
- ■ all C-F/PCH & ZiLLo Pseudos ■ die Fahne ohne Farbe ■ Sonix ■ iCEMAN ■
- ■ TFA/D.I. ■ WiNTERMUTE ■ die Stimme der Vernunft ■ FINDI ■ Coool Cat ■
- ∙ DεÆTHWiSH TΦ ∙ (lame order)
- First we want to say that we normally hate anti-greetinx like this. It
- sounds very ignorant in our oppinion, but there are some people around
- who think ripping and so is coooool! Here's a list of persons we have
- problems with - don't contact this lamers!
- ■ Maik Reichwald --> his releases (MOZ & Virii) are nearly
- Kaunaser Str. 17 complete ripped...
- 99427 Weimar
- ■ Uwe Kay --> sackt Vorkasse für Progs ein, die er dann nicht
- Sprengelstr. 17 abschickt - FuCK THiZ ASSHoLE!!!
- 13597 Berlin
- [signed, TARAbAS & TYRoN]